Friday, April 8, 2011

Bunny Cakes

Easy and Fun! Kids will love this one!

Cake Mix (for cupcake) 
White Icing
Large Marshmallows
Pink Sugar
Shredded Coconut
Jelly Beans
Sweet Tarts 
Mini Marshmallows

  1. Frost a cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe) with white icing and sprinkle on shredded coconut.
  2. Cut a large marshmallow in half width-wise. Squeeze each half slightly to give it an oval shape, then decorate the sticky side of each one with pink sugar and set them in place for ears.
  3. Add a jelly bean nose and either jelly bean or snipped Sweet Tart eyes, and mini marshmallows for cheeks. For a finishing touch, draw on decorators' gel pupils or whiskers if you like.

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